Thursday, April 16, 2015

Native American -Blog Post

The Native Americans where marginalized, and pushed against by the society of their time.They where seen as savages that needed to be turned into a more proper kind of people. Push to the point of losing what made them then. Taken away from their families and shown a new way, the way society wanted. In the text it said they where taken away from their homes and families first by asking then by force."It was not Pratt's plan to simply educate these children and teach them English. He planed to "civilize" them-to strip them of their traditions and ways of life." They where seen as something that needed to be changed. The before and after pictures show how they had became changed. From what they once where. Changed by the motives of society and what society wanted them to be. Not what they wanted to or what they where.

Luther Standing Bear was brought to a school where he was changed from his heritage and taken away from his family, this might not be the same case with Shanice Britton. But she is the fate of all this past. Times have changed, Native Americans are no longer pushed. Shanice Britton gladly shows her Native American Culture proudly a pound her sleeve. Luther Standing Bear might have been changed but he still knew who he was at heart. Even after being pushed and tattered by the society of the past. Shanice Britton and Luther Standing Bear where always proud to be Native American at heart and soul. That is something that won't be changed. Shanice Britton made her essay to show she was not afraid of who she was because of the past. She was pround of her heritage and who she was. She gladly wears her Native pride to school and around her home. She has noting to fear any more. For she is what she is, and that can't be changed. 

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